GRS Surgical Kits
Zest/Locator Compatible
Drill Sequence/Implant

Brand Compatibility Guide
  • The Zest Anchor/Locator Compatible GRS Drill Sequence/Implant Surgical Kit Provides Full Guidance For The Complete Line Of Pilot and Twist Drill Diameters Required For The Placement Of Zest Anchor/Locator Implants Along With Guidance For All Zest Anchor/Locator Implants
    • Zest Anchors/Locator Compatible GRS Surgical Drill Sleeves:
      • Narrow Body Group: 1.2mm, 1.6mm, 2.1mm, 2.4mm And 2.9mm
      • (1) Set Of Corresponding GRS Surgical Drill Stops (Includes Set Screws)
      • (1) Drill Stop Set Screw Driver
      • (1) GRS Depth Gauge
      • (5) Corresponding Smooth Type GRS Surgical Rings Per Sleeve Group For Fabricating 3D Printed GRS Surgical Guides
      • (5) Corresponding External Retention Type GRS Surgical Rings Per Sleeve Group For Fabricating Vacuum/Pressure-Formed GRS Surgical Guides
      • (5) Corresponding GRS Locator Pins Per Sleeve Group
      • (5) Corresponding GRS Protection Caps Per Sleeve Group
      • (1) Narrow GRS Insertion/Removal Tool
      • (1) GRS Surgical Cassette (Complete With Grommets And Posts)
      • Autoclavable
      • Made In U.S.A
      Please Note:
      1. Compatible 3M/MDI Systems Include: Locator (LODI) And Saturno.
      2. All Measurements Represent Internal Diameters.
      3. Consumables (e.g., Surgical Rings, Locator Pins And Protection Caps) Are For Single-Case Use; All Other System Components Are For Multi-Case Use.
      4. Images Depicting GRS Surgical Kits Are For Illustrative Purposes Only. The Specific Items And Quantities Included (Bracketed Numbers) Are As Detailed Above.
      5. Contact Us If You Require A Redundant Sized Brand Compatible Or Inter-Brand Compatible GRS Surgical Kit.

        Related Items

        (Scroll Down For Additional Brands)

        System Compatibility: Standard, Standard Plus, Bone Level Straight, Bone Level Tapered, Tapered Effect
        Narrow Body
        : 2.2mm, *2.8mm. 3.3mm, 3.35mm

        Regular Body: 2.2mm, *2.8mm, 3.3mm, 3.5mm, 4.1mm, 4.2mm
        Wide Body: 2.2mm, *2.8mm, 3.3mm, 3.5mm, 4.1mm, 4.2mm, 4.8mm, *5.0mm
        Please Note: * Compatible With Straumann Guided Surgery System Fixed OD Master Ring

        Nobel Biocare

        System Compatibility: Nobel Active, NobelSpeedy (Replace | Groovy | Shorty), NobelParallel Conical Connection, Nobel Replace (Straight | Tapered | Select Straight | Select Tapered | Select TC | Select Tapered TC | Select PMC | Select Tapered PMC | Select Tapered Platform Shift | Conical Connection | Conical Connection PMC | Branemark MK III TiUnite | Branemark MK III Shorty | Branemark MK III Groovy | Branemark IV TiUnite)
        Narrow Body
        : 2.0mm, 2.8mm, 3.0mm, 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.5mm, 3.6mm, 3.75mm
        Regular Body
        : 2.0mm, 2.8mm, 3.0mm, 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.5mm, 3.6mm, 3.75mm, 4.0mm, *4.1mm, 4.2mm, 4.3mm
        Wide Body
        : 2.0mm, 2.8mm, 3.0mm, 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.5mm, 3.6mm, 3.75mm, 4.0mm, *4.1mm, 4.2mm, 4.3mm, 4.6mm, 4.7mm, *5.0mm, 5.1mm
        Please Note: * Compatible With Nobel Biocare Guided Surgery System Fixed OD Master Ring

        Dentsply/Astra System Compatibility: OsseoSpeed (EV | TX | Profile), Ankylos (C | X), XiVE (S | TG)
        Narrow Body: 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 2.7mm. 2.9mm, 3.0mm, 3.1mm, 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.7mm, 3.8mm
        Regular Body: 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 2.7mm, 2.9mm, 3.0mm, 3.1mm, 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.7mm, 3.8mm, 4.2mm, 4.3mm, *4.4mm, 4.5mm
        Wide Body: 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 2.7mm, 2.9mm, 3.0mm, 3.1mm, 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.7mm, 3.8mm, 4.2mm, 4.3mm, *4.4mm, 4.5mm, 4.7mm, 4.9mm, *5.15mm
        Please Note: * Compatible With Dentsply/Astra Guided Surgery System Fixed OD Master Ring

        System Compatibility: Trabecular Metal | Screw-Vent Straight | Screw-Vent Tapered | SwissPlus Straight | SwissPlus Tapered | Advent | One-Piece
        Narrow Body
        : 2.1mm, 2.3mm, 2.8mm. 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.5mm, 3.7mm, 3.8mm

        Regular Body: 2.1mm, 2.3mm, 2.8mm, 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.5mm, 3.7mm, 3.8mm, 4.1mm, *4.2mm, 4.4mm
        Wide Body: 2.1mm, 2.3mm, 2.8mm, 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.5mm, 3.7mm, 3.8mm, 4.1mm, *4.2mm, 4.4mm, 4.7mm, 4.8mm, 5.1mm, *5.3mm
        Please Note: * Compatible With Zimmer Guided Surgery System Fixed OD Master Ring

        Blue Sky Bio

        System Compatibility: Bio-One Stage (Straumann Compatible) | Bio-Quattro (Straumann Compatible) | Bio-Internal Hex (Zimmer Compatible) | Bio-Conus 12 (Astra OsseoSpeed Compatible) | Bio-Three (Astra OsseoSpeed Compatible) | Bio-Trilobe (NobelReplace Compatible) | Bio-Max DP (NobelActive Compatible) | Bio-Max NP (NobelActive Compatible) | Bio-Max Mini (NobelActive Compatible)
        Narrow Body
        : 2.0mm, 2.2mm, 2.6mm, 2.8mm, 3.0mm, 3.1mm, 3.2mm, 3.3mm, 3.5mm, 3.6mm, 3.7mm

        Regular Body: 2.0mm, 2.2mm, 2.6mm, 2.8mm, 3.0mm, 3.1mm, 3.2mm, 3.3mm, 3.5mm, 3.6mm, 3.7mm, 4.0mm, 4.1mm, 4.2mm, 4.3mm, 4.5mm
        Wide Body: 2.0mm, 2.2mm, 2.6mm, 2.8mm, 3.0mm, 3.1mm, 3.2mm, 3.3mm, 3.5mm, 3.6mm, 3.7mm, 4.0mm, 4.1mm, 4.2mm, 4.3mm, 4.5mm, 4.6mm, 4.7mm, 4.8mm, *5.0mm, 5.3mm

        Implant Direct
        System Compatibility: InterActive (NobelActive | Nobel Replace Conical Connection), Tri-Lobe (NobelReplace), Legacy (Zimmer Screw-Vent), Swish (Straumann Standard | Straumann Standard Plus), Spectra (Implant Direct Proprietary Product Lines)
        Narrow Body
        : 2.3mm, 2.8mm, 3.2mm. 3.3mm, 3.4mm, 3.5mm, 3.7mm, 3.8mm

        Regular Body: 2.3mm, 2.8mm, 3.2mm, 3.3mm, 3.4mm, 3.5mm, 3.7mm, 3.8mm, 4.0mm, 4.1mm, 4.2mm, 4.3mm, 4.4mm
        Wide Body: 2.3mm, 2.8mm, 3.2mm, 3.3mm, 3.4mm, 3.5mm, 3.7mm, 3.8mm, 4.0mm, 4.1mm, 4.2mm, 4.3mm, 4.4mm, 4.7mm, 4.8mm, 5.0mm, 5.1mm, 5.2mm
        BioHorizons System Compatibility: Tapered Internal, Tapered Plus, Tapered Short, Tapered Tissue Level, Straight Internal, Straight Single Stage, Straight Laser-Lok, Straight External
        Narrow Body
        : 2.0mm, 2.5mm. 2.8mm, 3.0mm, 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.5mm, 3.7mm, *3.8mm

        Regular Body: 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 2.8mm, 3.0mm, 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.5mm, 3.7mm, *3.8mm, 3.9mm, 4.0mm, 4.1mm, *4.2mm, 4.4mm, 4.5mm
        Wide Body: 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 2.8mm, 3.0mm, 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.5mm, 3.7mm, *3.8mm, 3.9mm, 4.0mm, 4.1mm, *4.2mm, 4.4mm, 4.5mm, *4.6mm, 4.7mm, 4.9mm, *5.0mm, 5.2mm
        Please Note: * Compatible With BioHorizons Guided Surgery System Fixed OD Master Ring
        BioMet 3i

        System Compatibility:
        - Parallel Internal Connection: T3, Nanotite, OsseoTite Certain Platform Shift, OsseoTite Certain Non-Platform Shift, OsseoTite Certain XP, OsseoTite 2 Certain Platform Shift, OsseoTite 2 Certain Non-Platform Shift

        - Parallel External Connection: T3 Ex Hex, NanoTite, OsseoTite, OsseoTite XP, OsseoTite 2
        Narrow Body
        : 2.0mm, 2.3mm, 2.75mm, 3.0mm. 3.25mm, 3.4mm, 3.75mm

        Regular Body: 2.0mm, 2.3mm, 2.75mm, 3.0mm, 3.25mm, 3.4mm, 3.75mm, 3.85mm, 4.0mm, *4.1mm, 4.25mm
        Wide Body: 2.0mm, 2.3mm, 2.75mm, 3.0mm, 3.25mm, 3.4mm, 3.75mm, 3.85mm, 4.0mm, *4.1mm, 4.25mm, 4.85mm, 5.0mm, *5.1mm, 5.25mm
        Please Note: * Compatible With BioMet 3i Guided Surgery System Fixed OD Master Ring

        3M/MDI System Compatibility: O-Ball & Square Head
        Narrow Body: 1.1mm, 1.7mm, 1.8mm, 2.4mm, 2.7mm, 2.9mm

        Zest Anchors/
        Locator Implant Systems
        System Compatibility: Locator (LODI) & Saturno
        Narrow Body: 1.2mm, 1.6mm, 2.1mm, 2.4mm, 2.9mm